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  • Is Train hybrid a combination of benefits from Train different online and in-person/virtual weekly sessions?
    Yes! The Train Hybrid program combines all the features and benefits of online training where you can train remotely and independently using the training app and coaching materials, PLUS direct support through 1x weekly in-person/virtual training session. During the onboarding week, we’ll iron out the possible time slots that works for all small group members.
  • I’m very keen on the idea of kettlebell strength training. I’m interested in why you’ve chosen the kettlebell.
    Fab question! I first came across kettlebells in 2018/9 and was instantly attracted to how challenging KBs were, and how damn creative KB movers are! It also helped that I could learn how to use it straight out of the box right from my living room. I’ve also loved bodyweight training; these two modalities go together like bread and butter! It’s been a valuable and accessible tool that allows me to help folx connect with their body through strength training. Pros: They can be used to perform almost ANY movement, at home, outdoors, or at the gym. It's also the only piece of equipment that is UNDEFEATED for kettlebell swings. Cons: You can't load it as heavy as a barbell.
  • What does a movement screen session entail?
    A movement screen or coaching assessment is one of the first steps in the onboarding process before a training program begins. It serves to give the client-trainer insight into where the clients' starting point is in their functional physical capability and or capacity. And yes, you can start from exactly where you are now! During the session we focus on: Cardiovascular Endurance Mobility and Flexibility 1-3 Strength Tests "Functional physical capability and capacity" is a fancy way of saying how you perform a general movement (e.g. a squat or a plank). We take note of mobility and stability with those movements as it stands today. And also get a sense of what things you feel would be important to measure in the future (if any). This session can show any priority areas or exercise selections that could be beneficial coming first in your custom program. To help ensure safety and accessibility, there is typically a set of up to 1-3 strength exercises during a movement assessment. This segment helps to ensure that the training program is: (1) Prescribing loads and intensities that match where you’re at. (2) Features equipment and weights you will have access to (or giving you direct links to the best places to start with equipment— if needed). Please note: You’ll need access to a selection of kettlebell weights for the strength test to find your ideal training weights. So if you don’t currently have access to equipment at the moment, one workaround could be visiting a local gym with a day pass (some can even offer a free trial day passes if it's your first time). Or meet me at the Untitled Fitness private gym space in east London.
  • What is habit coaching?
    Habits— or skills as I like to call them, are the tangible actions that you can put into practice. Habit coaching or skill coaching is the process of behaviour design, actions and reflection. Together, we co-create personalised strategies that go beyond in-the-moment motivation so that practice remains impactful and adaptable. It’s also focused on bringing compassion and flexibility from week to week, instead of limiting rigid instructions. Coaching can feel like having someone on your side to help you choose the specific (health/longevity/performance promoting) skills that will be effective in realising your goals while staying in alignment with your core values. In other words, coaching aims to help you make challenges doable and plan for obstacles. The Train Hybrid program aims to open up this approach through (1) providing research that relates to your focussed areas, for example: stress sleep and recovery exercise skills eating skills (2) client-trainer discussion about what feels most impactful and doable and (3) providing active tracking frequency tools, worksheets, and custom reminders to help you put skills into practice. See what happens and evaluate. Rinse and repeat. P.S over time, you can focus on just the tools that work best for you.
  • What's the difference between one-to-one & semi-private and who would it work best for?
    In a nutshell, one-to-one coaching would be super valuable to someone who may have specific physical goals (e.g "I wanna get 5 pull-ups/front squats with X!"), needs or limitations (e.g returning from injury), and health and or behaviour goals (I want to improve my sleep and energy in the day). One-to-one could also benefit you if you prefer having individual time directly with your coach to discuss challenges and meaningful change. All programming is also customised to you, adapting from the beautiful basics! There are both Train Different Online and Train Hybrid versions of one-to-one options. Semi-private would be great for you if you enjoy and or are comfortable with a small group setting, where you can train alongside your peers for a common goal of building strong skills, moving well, and living well! Train Hybrid is a blend of in-person/virtual and online remote templated programming, where together, you follow common habit coaching cues, which can be modified and stacked over time.
  • Is there a minimum time commitment?
    There are no strict or rigid time commitments to train with us. I'd love for every person interested in Untitled Fitness coaching to feel confident, happy and excited to be in the process! So there is no time or place where you will be stuck or locked into the subscription. However, if you want to give the process a chance to plant its seeds and grow-- see what happens! I recommend clients commit for a minimum of 3-6 months to see what is possible with Train Hybrid coaching. That way, you'll have journeyed through several phases of strength training with some meaningful wins you can connect to. Find out what worked, what didn't and where you can go from there.
  • How would the monthly follow-along workout differ from a custom training programme?
    The follow-along workout mentioned is a monthly bonus video for anyone looking to try extra training to tack on to their schedule or have fun with. I plan to add a 10-30min video that touches on... Kettlebell or bodyweight skills full body strength / upper / lower focus mini sessions mobility (or anything that yal vote for tbh!— I’d love to bring you things you want to see!) Your custom program is your personalised training program for individuals or for small groups-- built to meet your common goals and abilities by focussing on the 3Ps: priorities, planning and progressions (periodisation). Acknowledging priorities is what makes a program personalised because (1) it takes what matters to you into consideration. (2) It factors findings from assessments and training history to inform where would be a great place to start. (3) Any priority can change. For example, it's possible a client would like to have more energy throughout the day. Based on their daily activities, goals and assessment, improving aerobic endurance could be a focus in their first stage. A year later these priorities could look very different. Reassessing when priorities shift will help the program stay relevant. Planning comes down to making sure that training fits your life. Things like how frequently you can train and when. What movements are/aren’t working for you. Being mindful of life’s stressors or how can you catch some more Zs 😴? This comes from continued coach and client communication. Progression or periodising involves how the program uses training phases over a long period with intent. This could look like a blocked-out time where the program will focus on a specific area-- like strength, then muscle gains then endurance or power. This all adjusts depending on where you want to go!
  • Whats the difference between Train Different Online vs Train Hybrid?
    Both programs show you how you can build an awesome foundation of strength with a focus on kettlebell skills and habit coaching. They help you stack the mental and emotional resilience you need to bring softness and tough love whenever bad body image days or life's setbacks crop up. Both also give you access to a small and growing UF client community. You’ll feel like a confident baddie both in the gym and in life! Train Different Online is a sustainable one-to-one custom program ideal for you if you are comfortable with showing up to train on your own, and are interested in taking the next steps in your own version of fitness. For the reduced cost of in-person coaching, you'll have access to Coach Sheldon who will help you gain clarity around the hows and whys of strength training appropriate to your body and life, so you can make informed choices in alignment with your goals. Online remote coaching is great for you if you know you'll thrive with continuous support in developing customised training programming, exercise technique, objectivity, accountability, and empowered learning in a remote setting. Folx better suited for Train Hybrid are those looking for all of the remote benefits of Train Different plus all of the in-person/virtual coaching benefits. If you know that making a physical appointment with your trainer is critical for you to show up and do the ting, honour that! You also really value the in-person/virtual coaching time for technique and form at this point in your journey. You may even have plans to move on to training remotely once you're ready, but would like to establish some essential pillars of training and habits first.
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