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Online Training includes a selection of coaching methods for people who are interested in online coaching at home or at the gym while having open communication with Coach Sheldon (me!) who will be in touch with your progress.

Black LGBTQIA+ indivi
duals are prioritised at Untitled Fitness. 

We ARE different, so let's Train Different!

We recognise that each of us are different. And so we all deserve to accomplish something unique in our own version of health and fitness. Movement and nourishment when it hits right, can be:


  • Anchoring and expanding our mental and emotional capacity

  • Affirming our identity and gender expression

  • Balancing, connecting and building our strengths

  • Supporting longevity and securing good quality of life


It also has potential to get you feeling completely gassed at things you're winning at in life and and capacity building for parts of you in healing and recovery. In online training:


We recognise that movement and eating for well-being is a privilege.


For those living with multiple intersections, this is not something that has been widely considered or accessible in health and fitness spaces. For some, exercise and physical activity can feel uncomfortable, disconnected or embarrassing. Especially for those who have to remain hyper-vigilant in unsafe or unsupportive environments.


We recognise that coping strategies are our way of finding many possible solutions- built to sustain our daily lives. They're necessary and I love and respect this about each of us.





Online Training: About
Client-Centred Coaching is built around your life. â€‹Expect to feel supported in it!

Together, we'll collaborate to show you how to grow muscle and strength that honours your evolution, healing, and breaks from binary standards so you can move your body from a place of deep self trust and confidence.


Training tools include:

  • Kettlebells

  • Callisthenics (bodyweight)

  • And or Resistance Bands

  • There is room for tools you absolutely love to use too!


Mindset-wise, the process of coaching will invite acceptance, awareness, accountability and adaptation (and any other unique abilities inside of you that makes it all special.)

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Services include:

  • ​​Private One to One and Semi-Private Online Training

  • Hybrid Training (In-person/virtual and online combined)

  • Weight-Neutral Habit Coaching

  • Individualised Strength and Conditioning Programming

For Details:


(over time, you use what is for you, and leave the rest!)


  • Untitled Fitness Training App Access on mobile iOS and Android

  • Modifiable schedule 

  • Desktop access to the training app and coaching material

  • Regular check-ins and technique review

  • Monthly coaching calls

  • Virtual Training for Train Hybrid Members*

  • Short and to-the-point learning resources for topics such as training, nutrition, sleep, stress and recovery 

  • Worksheets for those who prefer to use more offline tools

  • Friendly communication with Coach Sheldon for any Q&A you have along the way.

  • Short Video exercise guidance


If you are interested in training with me, please click the links to check out your coaching service options.


"Untitled Fitness one to one training is ideal for anyone looking to move well and feel good"

Online Training: About Me
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