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About Sheldon

About Sheldon: Text
About Sheldon: Image

I help black LGBTQIA+ people feel at one with their training so they can reduce stress and celebrate strength. I founded Untitled Fitness in 2018 to tailor group and personal training specific to each individual.

I started training in 2015 with no equipment, a 30-day DVD and a little bit of living room space. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, but when I started to modify for myself and what that meant for my mental, emotional and physical wellbeing I truly fell in love with moving my body through calisthenics (bodyweight training), weight training and mobility work. In the process of getting to know my own abilities and limitations, I took a dive into researching physiology, nutrition and coaching to share skills and knowledge with others.

Fast forward to today - I'm a LGBTQI+ body affirming trainer who wants individuals to build strength while training injury risk free. I’m passionate about properly communicating with clients to understand their preferences, abilities and lifestyle in real-time, so that training can bring real challenge, fun and sustainability for life.




YMCA Certified Personal Trainer 2018

ISSA Nutritionist 2022



YMCA Suspension Training 2018

Train Fitness Certified Kettlebell Instructor 2019

Train Fitness Circuit Training 2019

Certified EYL Mindset Coach L1 & L2 November 2021

Lift Off Strength Kettlebell Teaching Coaches Corner Level L1 2022

Lift Off Strength Kettlebell Teaching Coaches Corner Level L2 Jan-July 2023

30-hour Trauma-informed Weightlifting Foundation Course Sept/Oct 2022

Trauma-Informed Weightlifting Certification Jan-April 2023

Certified Biomechanics Specialist Aug-Nov 2023

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About Sheldon: About
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